E Komo Mai to MCG Blog

Welcome to the Manoa Community Gardens Blog! Our next meeting will be Saturday, February 8, at 10AM at the Manoa District Park Meeting Room.

MCG Board

2025 Manoa Community Gardens Board  -  Duties of Officers and Committee Representatives   

President  Kathryn E., C&C - Interim President 

1. Set date for Board meetings. Reserve location for meetings. 
2. Create and send agenda for each meeting and conduct meetings either live or on zoom 
3. Send out important general notices to members. 
4. Appoint (rotating) volunteers to attend Garden Council meetings. 

a. Volunteers will take notes and file a report from the meeting. 

Vice President  Alicia L.,  (D87) 
1. Attend all Board and General meetings and stand in for President when needed. 
2. Keep Rules up to date 
3. Post Rules changes and send all to Kathryn. 

Secretary  Akex A.,  (B35) 
1. Attend all Board and General meetings and take notes (or appoint a substitute) 
2. Send notes to Board members for approval, then email Kathryn & all members + post on Bulletin Board.  
3. Maintain pertinent Bulletin Board information: ex: meeting information & clean up & inspection dates.   

Treasurer  – Tom D., (A1)

      1.Attend all Board and General meetings and/or send a full Treasurer’s report.

2. Collect, record and deposit annual fees with membership applications. (Provide requested receipts)  
3. Maintain records of those who have paid and their contact information. 
4. Issue checks for approved garden expenses.  $100 or less with Board approval, $100 or more needs whole membership approval. 
Applications Officer  Rachael T.,  (D78)
1. Maintain waitlist and contact those at the top about plot availability 
2. Monitor plot transitions and vacancies 
3. Meet with potential gardeners, review pertinent rules, give a brief tour, collect completed applications and fees. 
4. Maintain an up-to-date map of the plots and gardeners and update our NEW LIST in our Gmail account. 

Clean up Committee representative  Terrance Young (B26) + committee 
1. Schedule cleanup dates for the year & report to the Board for email notices and Bulletin Board posts.  
2. Arrange for personnel, drinks and snacks to be available on site at cleanups. 
3. Deliver Clean Up attendance records to the Secretary, who will update and maintain them. Gardeners must complete 6 hours of Clean Up work per year to keep their membership. 


Monitoring Committee representative  Rachael Timmins (D78) + committee 
1. Schedule, post and e mail monitoring dates and arrange for monitors 
2. Collect and print monitoring reports for Bulletin Board posting and to e mail to all members. 
3. Address members concerns re: monitoring reports. 
Composting Committee representative  Will Haines  (B39) + committee 

1. Report on maintenance, changes, progress, and updates in composting area.


  1. i am a new gardener and have not received any communications about meetings, inspection and clean up dates, compost rules, what are those cinder blocks for, meeting minutes, answer to specific question (where is the hose that used to be adjacent to my spot, D71, etc.

  2. Is anyone checking the emails?

  3. Hello, It's been awhile since last mulch delivery. Let us know when we can expect a new supply. Anna
