Call to Order: 6:06
President’s Remarks- Kate
Old Business
Turn over to the new board. No minutes from the last meeting to approve.2025 meeting times many people said they want to meet inside so Kate is going to reserve the meeting room.
On the odd months meetings are on Thursday nights at 6.
On the even months we will meet on Saturdays at 10.
Meetings are always scheduled for the Second Thursday on the odd months and Second Saturday of the even months. There is ONE meeting per month.
Vote on the meeting arrangements passed unanimously
There is a property line with the school and we are currently encroaching it, new principal wants this line to be enforced. This area is going to be cleaned, if you have plants there you might want to move them we can only go 2 ft out from the water spigot on A lane. We also need to stay aware of all of the boundaries of the garden.
New Business: Kate is interim president until somebody steps up
50th anniversary of the community garden program which started in 1975 . there is a group of volunteers putting on a celebration on September 13th Event at Foster Garden 10-2. Free admission. Each garden needs to form a committee to put together a booth for the event. If you are interested please speak up at the next meeting. There is a fund raiser selling t-shirts, garden aprons and tote bags to raise money. There is a form you can get to order something now. Pick up a form and mail it in with a check
Coordinator remarks: there is a public hearing about the rules for the CGs. The rules have not been updated since 1984. Any new rules need to be created in a certain way. There is a draft of the rules that have had a lot of input.
Public hearings will be in person and online
Tuesday January 28th 5:30-7:30 pm at Foster Gardens is the date and time for the public meeting about the new rules
Input is allowed up to 2 weeks after the public meeting
Then any changes will go back to a public meeting if necessary. Mayor and the City Council will have to sign off once everything is approved
There is a website where you can look at the draft of the rules.
There will be an Officers Retreat. February 1st at Foster Garden. 9:30 to 2:00
Opportunity for a split plot. If you want to, you can split your plot. Email Kate. People are going to have to decide how the plot fee is going to be shared.
Vice Presidents Remarks
Looking forward to a Happy and productive year
We have $5000 to spend for the garden, what do folks think we need to buy for the garden? Anyone who wants to participate in this project talk to the VP
B43 is an unusable plot because it is always flooded, we need to discuss taking it out of rotation or maybe reworking the plot somehow to make it usable
Treasurer’s Report
Discussion that the water bill will need to be paid and some refunds may be required which will have an effect on the current balance
5,100 is the current balance
You can pay dues tonight at the meeting, make sure you include your plot #
Any reasonable expenses under $100 you can get reimbursed without board approval
Secretary’s Report
AA will be setting up the email and the announcement board
Meeting minutes will be emailed to all gardeners who have email
Plot Officer Report
Rachel introduced herself as the Plot officer
First cleanup in Jan14th on Tuesday 7:30 11:30
Second cleanup in January 26th Sunday 3-6 pm
Committee Reports
Compost Committee
Cleanup at the end of the month is when compost is distributed. They are always looking for people for the committee
Don’t put trash in the compost barrels!!!
There is no trash pick up at the garden so please take your trash home!
Please cut up your weeds etc before you put them in the barrels
Clean-Up Day Committee
We have 5 or 6 people on the cleanup committee
There is no chair by choice, decisions are by consensus
Volunteers are always needed to monitor cleanup
6 hours of cleanup and you have to show up 2x a year minimum to meet your requirements.
Open the floor at 6:52 for comments from members
Thanks to officers and welcome to the new gardeners!!!
Open Floor for Member Comments: None
Announcements: None
Adjournment 6:59
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