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Welcome to the Manoa Community Gardens Blog! Our next meeting will be Saturday June 22, at 12pm in the garden.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Poll about in-person meetings - please complete by April 25th

 Aloha Fellow Gardeners,

This is just a reminder to please fill out the poll in the link below, if you have not already done so. We will compile the results next week, so please complete the poll by Monday, April 25th. Thank you!
Restrictions on gatherings have been lifted, and some other community gardens have resumed their monthly in-person meetings. Meetings are a great way to meet fellow gardeners, exchange news, and discuss concerns, and many of our members have expressed interest in meeting again. If we resume in-person meetings, they will be optional for the rest of 2022. In the past, votes were held during meetings, but we will continue to offer online voting or paper ballots for those who do not wish to meet. Virtual meetings (such as Zoom) are a possibility, but online discussions with large groups can be challenging.
The City and County has asked us to poll gardeners to determine how frequently to meet and the best times. Once we settle on a schedule, we will request a space in nearby Manoa Valley District Park. 
Meetings will be held indoors and we will request a large enough space to allow people to spread out. Since the park is a public space, masks will not be required, though anyone who wishes to wear a mask will be encouraged to do so.
Please follow this link to take a very short survey about your interest and availability:
Thank you very much!
The MCG Board Members ðŸŒ»

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