E Komo Mai to MCG Blog

Welcome to the Manoa Community Gardens Blog! Our next meeting will be Saturday June 22, at 12pm in the garden.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Rats in the garden

 Aloha Gardeners, 

We have noticed an increase in the rat population in our gardens.  Preventing rats is best done by protecting plants that have fruit or vegetables  they might like to eat and keeping any tasty compostables fully contained or buried very deep.  

We do want to start controlling the rat population.  The city and county will supply and place rat traps around the perimeter of our garden. If this is ok with you, we will proceed to order some bait traps to be placed.  If you want one near your garden, please let us know.  

These are bait traps that contain rat food in a closed environment with a very small entry hole.  The food contains an additive that interferes with the rats' blood clotting or disrupts their nervous system.  The additives are not toxic to plants or to animals that might eat the poisoned rats.  Rats can spread disease and cause damage to crops as well as other problems in the garden.  

If you are in favor of the placement of the bait traps around our garden by the city and county, let us know.  If you are against proceeding with this rat control option, let us know and suggest an alternative.  

We will wait a week for responses and then proceed.  Thanks for your interest in keeping our garden clean, green and beautiful.  

MCG Board

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