E Komo Mai to MCG Blog

Welcome to the Manoa Community Gardens Blog! Our next meeting will be Saturday June 22, at 12pm in the garden.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Volunteers needed for 2023!

 Aloha gardeners,

The new year is fast approaching, and we are seeking officers and committee members for next year’s MCG Board. It’s a great way to get acquainted with your fellow gardeners and become involved with running the garden.
We plan to hold elections in early December and are hoping you’ll choose a position now and sign up.
If you are a paid member and primary gardener, you are eligible.
We have five elected officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Applications Officer. 
We also have three committee volunteer positions: Monitoring, Cleanup and Compost Committees. 
We’ve listed the duties for each of the positions below. If two gardeners are interested in sharing the duties of a position, that is also possible.
We want to hear from you. Please email us and tell us which position(s) interest you.
You’ll also find signup sheets in the tool shed and middle mall of the garden. 

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you to the 2023 MCG Board.
From the current MCG Board

Elected officers:
1. Set dates for Board and/or Membership meetings. Reserve room for meetings.
2. Create and send agenda for each meeting and facilitate meetings.
3. Send out important general notices to members.
4. Represent MCG at monthly Garden Council meetings, or appoint a representative.

Vice President
1. Stand in for President at meetings when needed.
2. Keep MCG Rulebook up to date
3. Coordinate votes on any rule changes
4. Post rule changes and send all to the City and County.

1. Attend Board and Membership meetings (or send a substitute). Take notes for minutes.
2. Get Board approval of minutes, send to City & County, post on bulletin board.
3. Maintain MCG Bulletin Board and post important information.

1. Attend all Board and General meetings and/or send a full Treasurer’s report.
2. Collect, record and deposit annual fees with membership applications.
3. Maintain records of those who have paid and their contact information.
4. Issue checks for approved garden expenses. 

Applications Officer
1. Maintain waitlist and contact those at the top about plot availability.
2. Monitor plot transitions and vacancies.
3. Meet with potential gardeners, review the rules, give a tour, collect applications and fees.
4. Maintain an up-to-date gardener roster and update contacts in our Gmail account.

Committee chairs (not elected):
Clean up Committee representative
1. Schedule community cleanup dates. Report to Board for email notices and Bulletin Board posts.
2. Arrange for coordinators, drinks and snacks to be available at cleanups.
3. Maintain a tally of cleanup hours completed for each plot throughout the year. 

Monitoring Committee representative
1. Schedule regular inspection dates and recruit members to conduct monitoring.
2. Compile inspection results and keep track of violations.
3. Address members' concerns regarding inspection results.

Composting Committee representative
1. Report on maintenance, changes, progress, and updates in the composting area.
2. Recruit members to assist with the composting process
3. Coordinate schedule of compost activities usually during community cleanups.
(being sure each bin is filled, aerated, harvested, etc.)

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