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Welcome to the Manoa Community Gardens Blog! Our next meeting will be Saturday June 22, at 12pm in the garden.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Welcome to 2023 gardening!

Aloha gardeners,

It is a pleasure to me to serve as the new president for 2023.

Manoa community garden has given me so much joy and support that I want to pay the favor back by being part of the board. I welcome you to a new year of happy planting. I encourage you to be kind to each other, to follow the rules and to ask for help when needed.

I will try to bring back the quarterly potluck meetings as a way to motivate and be more involved. 

At last I want to introduce the new board members. 
Vice presidents: Lan tran (D85) and Ajah Hoyt (B30)
Secretary: Alicja Lerner (D87)
Treasurer: Rachel Timmins (D78)
Applications Officer: Nicole Pfeiffer (B41)

A special thanks to the old board members and all the committees. Your time and hard work is highly appreciated, as well as your continuing support. 

“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” — Og Mandino

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