E Komo Mai to MCG Blog

Welcome to the Manoa Community Gardens Blog! Our next meeting will be Saturday, September 21, at 12pm in the garden.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


We are revamping the compost system, and could really use some help with the project, and also with materials. If you can donate either, you’ll be our hero. More info about the system coming soon.

WE NEED: The project needs: 
  • 11 pallets, each 4 ft by 4 ft, not treated with chemicals 
  • 8-12 fence posts (6 ft) 
  • 4-5 large trash bins for collecting green waste - stackable would be nice with drainage holes drilled in the bottom. 
  • Smaller bins or buckets for storing useful reusable items 
  • Wood screws 
  • Tarps or plastic for covering piles.
Seeking Donations:

35 gallon trash cans, new or used, lid or no lid. Cracked okay because we will drill holes anyway. 
6’ strong metal posts (even if you have just one extra, it helps)
1½” nails
Elbow grease (Volunteer work)

These are all for the brand new Composting system. Thank you very much, because our budget can’t afford these.

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