E Komo Mai to MCG Blog

Welcome to the Manoa Community Gardens Blog! Our next meeting will be Saturday, September 21, at 12pm in the garden.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

We get by with a little help from our friends…



We are still hoping for volunteer officers, as the current term ends December 31st,  
It would be great to have new faces and new ideas in these positions,  
So far, volunteers have stepped forward for the following positions:

Secretary, Applications Officer, Treasurer
If you are interested in any of the above positions, there is a possibility of sharing them, or, putting your name forward and putting it to a vote.

We still really need a President, and Vice President. 
Duties of President include running meetings (not currently holding meetings), handling emails, attending monthly Zoom garden council meetings, and MCG Board meetings, attending monthly cleanups, and contributing their ideas and a fresh perspective.

Vice President helps to fill in where the President needs help, is in charge of rules, and attends the monthly Manoa CG Board meeting.

According to the City, we must have officers in order to keep the garden open. Please consider contributing to your Community.

And, Thanks.

Nicole (retiring end of 2021) 


P.S. Feel free to discuss this with any of the current officers.

[Garrett  President (Resigned due to health issues)]
Aggie   Vice President
Carol    Treasurer
Diana    Applications Officer
Nicole   Applications Officer

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