E Komo Mai to MCG Blog

Welcome to the Manoa Community Gardens Blog! Our next meeting will be Saturday, September 21, at 12pm in the garden.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

An Appeal and A Reminder

 Please consider serving:

Aloha. If you want to Vote for different officer candidates, we must have more volunteer officer candidates, otherwise, individuals who HAVE already stepped forward (or been talked into it) will kindly accept the positions they've volunteered for.

Where we stand:
These people have been talked into it, or volunteered for the following positions. THANK YOU. 

Pres. Diana D.
V.P. William H.
Treasurer & assistant: Aggie A. & Linda M.
Secretaries:  Alicja L. (other volunteer just gave up his garden membership)
Application CoOfficers: Elena K.

Monitors: Katy K., Alicja L., Elena K., May N., Diana D.

Run A Clean Up:
Nicole B., and Jena K.

As you can see, we could use more secretaries, 
and another CoApplications Officer
And folks for the compost team (many hands make light work),
And more people to run a clean up or two...

A Reminder that the garden closes at Sunset. This is not just a City Rule, it is for Safety.


P.S. The results of the rules vote will be out soon. Thanks for helping, Elena!

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