E Komo Mai to MCG Blog

Welcome to the Manoa Community Gardens Blog! Our next meeting will be Saturday, September 21, at 12pm in the garden.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Monitoring Tues. Dec 14th, and...

 Aloha, and Thanks to all Members and to the Volunteer gardeners from nearby, who came out today, on our last Community Clean-Up  of 2021. And a special thanks to the Members who come out to almost every Clean-Up and even in between. All of your involvement makes a huge impact on our MCG.  

A heads up: Tuesday is our final monitoring of the year. If your previous report was in red or blue ink, you should know that revocation letters are going out in December. Let's get people in here who really want to garden and can make the commitment. 
87 people on the waiting list now. That's a wait of at least 3 years for some!

Happily, volunteers are stepping forward to sign up for next year's Board of Officers, however, we could still use help with the following: Secretary help; CoApplications Officer (Most fun job because you get to welcome new gardeners .)
Also forming some new teams, including Compost Team (great learning opportunity), Monitors (almost full), and also you can 'Run A Clean Up' .
A Sign Up sheet is inside the shed door, Or, reach out in person or via email to volunteer. 

Thanks to Elena and helpers for building compost heap #4, and tending piles #'s 1, 2 & 3. That's why we had space to put the new green waste and also why we will harvest some high quality compost in a few months. 


1 comment:

  1. bring application forms to clean up day ..people ,may want toturn in dues at that time
